St. Paul on the Lake Catholic School Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
Facts & Figures
Student enrollment is 320 students, preschool through 8th grade.
St. Paul is proud to be a 2006 National Blue Ribbon School.
One-half of St. Paul's teachers have Master Degrees. All are state-certified and highly qualified.
8th graders typically score four years above their grade level on a nationally normed, standardized test.
The mission of St. Paul Catholic School is to promote the development of lifelong learners and leaders through an outstanding academic curriculum anchored in our Catholic faith.
We believe that education is one of the most important ways by which the Church fulfills its commitment to the dignity of the person and the building of community. The educational efforts of the Church must be directed to forming persons-in-community. The education of the individual Christian is important not only for his/her own destiny, but also for the destinies of the many communities in which he/she lives.
We believe that Christian educational programs for the young must teach doctrine within the experience of Christian community and prepare individuals for effective witness and service to others. By doing this, they help foster the student's relationship with Christ and growth in personal holiness.
The Christian purpose of St. Paul Catholic School must be clearly evident, even though no one form is prescribed for it. We must be open to the possibility that the school of the future, including the Catholic school, will be different in many ways from the school of the past. We at St. Paul Catholic School will teach the young, learn from them, see our own institution through their eyes, and make changes where necessary.
St. Paul Catholic School exists because of our strong belief in teaching and living out the Gospel values.
To do this, we will:
Foster a life of prayer and a sense of ease with Christ.
Respect the dignity and freedom of each child.
Generate joy and enthusiasm for learning.
Encourage friendship, trust, and hope for learning.
Learn the meaning of community by experiencing it.
Develop commitment by serving others.
Promote academic excellence through cooperation, communication, consistency, concern, curiosity, and professional growth.
Each child will be able to contribute to a better world.
Create an awareness of personal, religious, academic and social values.
Teach responsibility through the art of self-discipline.